11 November, 2020
I was delighted when Marta and Edward invited me to review their new home. Marta is a lawyer and Edward a professor in the Autonomous University of Barcelona. Both have been professionally settled for a long time. They have two lovely daughters: Cristina aged 7 and Anna aged 12. It has been a year since […]
Llegeix més...“All of me Loves all of you; Love your curves and all your edges All your perfect imperfections”. These words, written by John Legend in his song “All of Me”, have always struck me as a perfect philosophy for truly inspired interior design. Of course, in the design of a living space there has to […]
Llegeix més...To want too much or to want too many things has never really been a very sensible idea. It´s the same in our homes, our living spaces, in which it is best, peace, well-being and silence should prevail as much in a visual as auditory sense. Visual silences, or the lack of visual noise, is […]
Llegeix més...According to Le Corbusier, the architectural master of the 20th Century, our homes are machines for living. Yes – they are – but they are also our third skin. As a third skin they need to be able to adapt to our needs like a glove, like a good watch or … a smooth gear […]
Llegeix més...We need barely three seconds to decide whether to buy a product from a shelf. For that reason we have to communicate clearly, quickly and simply. The arrangement of shelving at the front of a shop is literally the shop window of a business. And behind a good arrangement lie a number of things: product […]
Llegeix més...We have to go back to the great and ancient civilization of Egypt to find mention of the first hairdressing or barber services. It was the high society and the priests who used all kinds of hairstyles and treatments for the hair. In Roman and Greek civilization we also come across hugely elaborate hairstyles that […]
Llegeix més...